- #Reaver packet injection not working with ralink rt3572 install#
- #Reaver packet injection not working with ralink rt3572 Patch#
I am surprised you haven't mentioned what wireless adapter you are using also. This is one of the reasons why Reaver Pro sucks, there is nothing pro about it. It is also good to use -vv flag to get detailed errors which Reaver Pro will not show. You need to slow it down with command line Reaver or Inflator. Fortunately, improvements in packaging have made this process seamless allowing our users a streamlined experience with GPU cracking.
#Reaver packet injection not working with ralink rt3572 install#
Personally, I think it is trying the pins too fast. Fix wireless connection and install wlan0 driver on BackTrack and Kali Linux best adapter which will work with kali linux without any problems is alfa awus036nha.

Issue 195: Stuck 99.99%, repeats one key.I am going to be getting the CanaKit bundle, which comes with a wifi dongle with the Ralink RT5370 chipset.Does anyone know if this chip supports packet injection I would like to be able to do security testing with my Pi. Issue 160: WASH reporting WPS enable AP, but WPS is not configured Im looking to install Raspberry Pwn on a Raspberry Pi.Issue 13: Pins are repeated if list is exhausted and no result has been found.It clearly missed the pin and there are numerous posts on Reaver-WPS on Google Code to understand why. Any issues should be done at Google Code or contact Tactical Network Solutions. You also have to understand that we do not provide full support for Reaver Pro which you might have gathered when you filled out the Support Request Form.
#Reaver packet injection not working with ralink rt3572 Patch#
I will patch it up and have to edit the title again. This is a completely new issue and has nothing to do with your original issue in which you solved. It always prints what you see up right there, and keeps repeating it. Then exactly at this point, worse came to the worse, where happened what we don't want to have happening. Reaver did work all it's way up to exactly 99,99%. now open your browser (in my case firefox) and write in URL bar: ( you may have to use the command: airmon-ng start wlan0 - before running startup.sh) write command "cd" without "" and drag and drop Hot_PursuiT folder into the terminal (which probably is on your desktop if you did follow hotpursuits instructions) The new file name is called "uwsgi_params" without "" obviously NOW remove ".default" out of the file name. now, do copy the file into the same folder, the system will ask you to change the name of it, in order to not overwrite it.